Discussion in 'Special Events' started by Markus Broch, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. Alexey Zagorodnev

    Alexey Zagorodnev New Member

    If it's possible due staff with vMads. I would like to move my cup entry into GT3

    Name: Cyber Lynx Racing
    Car: Posche 911 GT3-R
    Alexey Zagorodnev
    Tigran Mkhitaryan
  2. Jean Mushin

    Jean Mushin New Member

    Seriously at 12:00 UTC we can't register on GT3 Split
    Signed on GT3 Cup by spite in case of no solution...

    Where we can sign on reserve list please ??
  3. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member

    That´s the same for all, there is no problem! Everyone can try to sign in, if they try with four or fife drivers, they grown up their chances. There is no need to give away an spot in my opinion.
    David Tepper and Dennis Richter like this.
  4. Take a closer look. There are 5 gt3´s and a further cup car
  5. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Member

    I am not sure if what was done here by vmads is a bigger joke then this responds to it
  6. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    I don´t understand all the crying. If it´s possible it´s not a vMads Problem.
    So stop with this nonsense.
    We gave cars back, so what???
    Lars Hagemann and Dennis Richter like this.
  7. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member

    If i remember right, it isn´t possible to edit the lineup few minutes after sign up. But where would it be fair, if every team have to put in all names of the drivers, some maybe three, others five, some with names with less letters, others with lot letters... As i said, it´s basicly the same for all in this simlpe way. Be sure, that they will add all drivers as soon as possible.
    Lars Hagemann and David Tepper like this.
  8. Ernests Lapins

    Ernests Lapins New Member

    Maybe just add 5 more slots in GT3?
  9. Alex Meiser

    Alex Meiser Member

    In my opinion it´s simply unfair, to sign up with not one full driver name, simple as that
  10. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    Butler Pal have now 3 GT3. vMads only two. So What????
  11. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    I don´t understand that we get punished for something we dont have in our hands. Now they took us a GT3 car. Is that fair?
  12. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member

    And it´s all the same in the last years, without whining about it o_O.
  13. Every Sign-up the same discussion. :rolleyes:

    The sign-up is the same for everybody. When your to late -> Reserve List. When your in time and can sign-in 3, 8, 20 cars and you are able to bring them to the start and more important to the finish line of the event, then everything is fine.

    When a team signed up a car too much, not willing to keep that, they can easyly remove it and the next team from Reserves move up. Simple as that.

    vMads allways brings thier cars to the startline and they are finishing thier races also, not like others, who sign in and dont show up on raceday.
  14. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    It's our fault that others don't get it?
    I need a explanation from Simon why they took us a GT3 Car.
    I have no understanding for this decision!
    We made the whole sign up as recommendet from P1.

  15. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    Thank you Dennis!!!
    Jannik Funke likes this.
  16. Alex Meiser

    Alex Meiser Member

    I got no problem with the number of cars, a team is signing up, i got a problem with this crap, to sign up with a driver a and b with a banner from anywhere, so everybody who did a proper sign up with at least 2 fully named drivers is not able to win that run ;)
    Jean Mushin likes this.
  17. We are angry because you guys didn´t care about the sign up form. You had spelling misstakes in the team name´s. You randomized the driver Nationality. Driver names like "a" and "b" - it´s just.. come on man, atleast fill out the form. If you manage to get 5 cars on the grid, with atleast an full driver name, and the rest as TBA than no one gives a shit. Then you where just faster. But like this..? It kinda feel´s wrong. Only securing the place, and sorting out the stuff later. It´s a slap in the face for evryone else who does the signup form how it is supposed to be.
  18. Alexey Zagorodnev

    Alexey Zagorodnev New Member

    Let's sign up 30 cars from one team without any driver name and nationality, and it's gonna be mess in reserve list. Who deserves a place on the grid. For me, it's not a gentelmen move at all.
  19. Oliver Zimmermann

    Oliver Zimmermann New Member

    We as the vmads team are now discussing this internally and will consider withdrawing. We get a car stolen for a cause that we cannot influence and that we acted on the recommendation.
  20. When you can fill these 30 cars with drivers, bring them to the start and more important to the finish line without getting in conflict with the rules to drivertime, go on.

    VMads has 2 entries with !!! 9 !!! Drivers.

    2 years ago there was a 12h Sebring race. 50slots. Days of whining about multiple entries. Teams gave up spots to show good will. What happend? There were 37 of 50 cars at the startline.

    You have a point there, but it has always been like that. So you cant blame vMads.
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