Discussion in 'Race Information' started by Markus Broch, Dec 25, 2020.

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  1. to avoid last round problem on item workshop update in 2 times on friday night

    is any update planed for Sebring track and pit-box ?
    can you give the moment of release ? or put a warning on forum
    thank you

    btw, can you remove "P1LMS_2021_E7_2.rfmod" from P1LMS workshop item of last round 7?
    it possibly cause a mismatch with S397 competition challenge gt3 on indy GP.
  2. regarding the post race report of R7 indy !gp
    • Nothing postponed
    • No after race report

    but i did one (enclosed)

    nothing received ? or the contact was judge without penalties ?

    let us know thanks

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  3. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Forget the statement, we have taken it out.
  4. ok Markus

    and for my other questions

    on mod update and race report ?
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2021
  5. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Checked this morning and we consider it a racing incident. Sorry we missed this.

    No there is no update to the track. As it's not as easy to modify pit boxes for paid content and validate that everything will still be ok.
  6. hello, in the final results the TENTFS Team 1 comes out 2 times with two different scores


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  7. Sebastian Pfeiffer

    Sebastian Pfeiffer Active Member

    Due to popular demand I will do a final Replay Session of the Season this evening from 8:30 p.m. CET onwards (it's 12:30 right now).


    Meet up in the P1 Gaming Teamspeak.
    Eduardo Garcia and Markus Broch like this.
  8. Marc Veit

    Marc Veit Active Member

    but today is formula 1 :eek:
  9. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    That was because the Team was once named TENTFS Team 1 and once TENT FS Team 1. I fixed it and its now showing only once in the standings.
  10. Daniel Isbarn

    Daniel Isbarn Member

    Hello @all,

    the vMADS team thanks everyone for the season. A big thank you to the organizers, commentators and race stewards. We had a great time and are now looking forward to the highlight of the year.

    Have a nice few days and then we'll see you in the Green Hell;)

    With sporty greetings

    vMADS by SL-Racing-Team.de
    Alex Braeutigam and Markus Broch like this.
  11. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Provisional race results and server replay are added in the first post.

    Incident reports are open until the 29th of October at 6:00 UTC.
    Markus Broch likes this.
  12. David Vanmullem

    David Vanmullem New Member

    Thanks all for this beautifull event. About the ABRT P2 team (#04], Unlucky, we just miss the final third place. We could fight for the podium on this race but we had some bad luck during the race that cost us a lot in repairing. And sorry again for the contact with Louis Roehn on start, this error costs a lot for you but for our team also. Thanks all again and see you next season I hope.
    Markus Broch likes this.
  13. Sebastian Pfeiffer

    Sebastian Pfeiffer Active Member

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