Discussion in 'General Information' started by Markus Broch, Oct 18, 2021.

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  1. Frank Schöber

    Frank Schöber New Member

    Hallo zusammen, ich hätte mal eine Frage und zwar komme ich mit dem Passwort nicht auf den Server (Incorrect password).


    Lg Frank ;o)
    Simon Christmann likes this.
  2. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Passwort stimmt jetzt. Da war noch das vom letzten Event eingetragen.
  3. Gianluca Scalvini

    Gianluca Scalvini New Member

    Hi guys,
    is there any problem with the workshop mod? i have a strange error in the modmgr and i can't join the server.

    i'm not missing components, i've all the gt3s, the porsche cup and the 4 btccs.
    i've tried to unsub from the workshop item but the problem persists.


  4. Elias Hermann

    Elias Hermann New Member

    Which ruleset for the BTCC cars will be used, 2021 without push-to-pass or 2022 with push-to-pass?
    As far as I heard the 2022 hybrid/push-to-pass ruleset is still not working properly.
  5. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    I don't think it makes much sense to have P2P in a 24 hour race.
    Juan Cofino likes this.
  6. Marc Veit

    Marc Veit Active Member

    Why shouldnt it make sense ? If its possible let people use it or not if they dont want to
  7. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    I simply shared my opinion, I don't make these decisions.
  8. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Can you scroll down in contents and check if it's everywhere ok or if there is under status a hint of a broken component? And if there is a broken component its easiest to fix if you go to your rf2folder, then installed, vehicles or Location, and there delete the folder of the component. When restarting rf2 it should be installed again.
  9. Omar Latasa

    Omar Latasa New Member

    Team Manager:
    Omar Latasa
  10. David Zirwes

    David Zirwes New Member

    Hi there,

    i´m interested in driving one of the BTCC cars - but there is something wrong with the temperatures on the track. The Track-Temp is 44 degrees and the temp outside is 14 degrees. I think, it has something to do with RR2.0.

    So finally, it´s impossible to drive the car (at least for me) under 15 Percent of tire usage per lap. But: It might have something to do with the temperatures.

    Did you drive the car at this track temps?

    At least for me, that´s simply not like it is in reality. And btw: i drove carefully most of the time.
    Mark Sauerbier likes this.
  11. Oliver Guse

    Oliver Guse New Member

    Same here, also about 15 percent tire usage per lap, driving conservatively. We would have to drive very tire-friendly for 24 hours. That's no fun.
    But the cars are a lot of fun to drive. So i hope, it has something to do with track temps, what i don't think it is. Or perhaps we can get a BOP for the BTCCs.
    What is the current status on this topic from the admins?
    Mark Sauerbier likes this.
  12. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    so that we can all plan better, we have decided that the BMW M4 will not come.
  13. David Zirwes

    David Zirwes New Member


    Im trying to get some help here: The Practice Server of the 24h-Race is the only server, i get some strange behaviour of rf2: The "main window" disappers (randomly on the track - once a lap - and i´m seeing the start window of rf2 - but the game (without seeing it) does not shut down - and continues in the background. But i´m not able to see it again. Does anybode have an idea, what this could cause?

    I´m not able to drive a full outlap.

    I tried it offline with the mod and the workshop content: It works fine.
    I tried other nordschleife servers: It works fine.

    This is the first server, on which i have these problems. Really everytime i join.

    Help would be perfect.
  14. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    hi david, wait for the day, we have the final in the lms today, it will be hard to help you.
  15. Alex Woitala

    Alex Woitala Administrator Staff Member P1GTS Organizer P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Do you have a AMD graphics card?

    Just in case the answer is yes. There seems to be a problem with latest AMD drivers and rf2. You can see a lot reports in the forum of S397 and Discord as well. I also had this issue with latest AMD drivers. Current solution is to downgrade/install AMD driver version 22.5.1.
    David Zirwes likes this.
  16. yes i have been adviced the same tips
    back to month of may drivers 22.5.1

  17. David Zirwes

    David Zirwes New Member

    Thanks for your answers. The driver was the problem. Forgot to write it down right here.

    But nevertheless: many thanks!
  18. Hi i have some problems to join p1 server

    Attached Files:

  19. i fixed it another mod has caused my problem
    Markus Broch likes this.
  20. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    team managers of the P1LMS with entry for the 24h have been notified via pn
    Joel Julliand and Adrian Blasco like this.
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