Discussion in 'Race Information' started by Markus Broch, Dec 15, 2021.

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P1LMS - 6h of Estoril
Posted By Markus Broch

Saturday, February 26, 2022 - 12:00 PM
(ends Saturday, February 26, 2022 - 06:00 PM)
Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

Upcoming Occurrences

All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

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  1. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Eventserver will start ~ 11:40 - 11:45 UTC
  2. Oliver Guse

    Oliver Guse New Member

    ich komme nicht auf den Eventserver. Ich bekomme nach dem Laden der Driver immer eine "Connection Lost"
    Natürlich joine ich als "Spectator"
    Auf den Trainingsserver kann ich aber joinen.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
  3. Daniel Weiss

    Daniel Weiss New Member

    Ich kann auch nicht joinen. Trainingsserver geht, Rennserver nicht. Connection Lost, sobald die Fahrzeuge geladen haben.

    EDIT: ich habe ein bisschen probiert
    - rF2 Daten Verifizieren lassen
    - Mod de- und wieder abonniert
    - rfmod manuell in Packages gelegt und davon installiert
    - shader gelöscht
    - replay deaktiviert
    - trace deaktiviert
    - CrewChief ausgemacht
    - Up- und Downstream in rF2 höher gestellt
    nichts hat geholfen

    funktioniert hatte nur ein Neustart und dann so schnell wie möglich auf den Server connecten. Das ist mir aber zu heikel und zu ungewiss, ob das lange hält. 5 Minuten später kam wieder "connection lost"
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
  4. Bence Szabo

    Bence Szabo Active Member

    Same problem, connection lost.
  5. Oliver Guse

    Oliver Guse New Member

    This is really annoying. Weeks of training for nothing. This is the first time this happened to me. 24h Races, Trainingsservers with 40 drivers, no problems so far. And now i cannot join the race server? Any help is highly welcome
  6. Rik van Aerle

    Rik van Aerle New Member

    hey guys, first of all thanks for the race. Sorry for what happend in the last 10 min, the move on seawolff LMP1 was seriously not on purpose.... I was looking where my teammate was, and didn't see the seawolff on my right it was a blind spot. i only tried to not block my teammate. I understand it looked a bit weird and on purpose but i promise it was not. so sorry....
  7. David Vanmullem

    David Vanmullem New Member

    A great result for Angry Bull Racing Team (LMP2 #05), it was a very challenging race with an horrible traffic to manage Oo. But we did it without major accident. We had 3 or 4 contacts that costs us a few seconds but no damage. So this P3 is a very good result for us. I hope to have as much fun in the next race, see you @Monza guys !
    Nico Maimo likes this.
  8. I haven't said anything about P1LMS for years, but it just keeps getting worse and worse!

    As I have said it yesterday evening after race in Teamspeak, some guys should really start to think about whether it makes sense to race in an endurance league like this. Especially if they are not doing lots of practice in order to be ready to start this race, knowing that this track with more than 50 cars and 3 classes is pretty tough!

    Don't get me wrong, everyone has the rights to take part as this is our hobby and we all just want to have fun, but come on get on the f***** practice server (not just once) and learn to control your own car + learn how to deal with the traffic!
    It can't be that you are destroying and negatively affecting races from others who are preparing for these races for serveral hours and just want to enjoy the racing on saturdays.
    Yesterday this was pure madness, really pure madness and i am not speaking about one guy, there were so many who even couldn't control their car. Nobody is perfect neither I am, but this wasn't fun as I am driving throughout the track with the fear to be crashed out by others in every lap!? Yes, a lot of guys are new to this endurance thing and it takes time to learn (I have fully understanding for this), but especially than get on the practice server and don't appear on race days thinking yeah I am the king, I don't need practice!

    I am not going to name any guys or teams who I'm referring on, as this is not the way to do it on public, but yeah some guys should know when they reflect on their races, what they have done wrong and hopefully learn something about last night. This is/was my intention to post something about yesterdays nightmare...

    Anyway, congrats to the winners and podium finishers of all classes and thanks to the organizers, cya in Monza (maybe)
  9. Jan Kattau

    Jan Kattau Member

    @Alex: You have a fair point. There were drivers out there, who are not ready for that sort of traffic. Thats for sure.
    I said that earlier and ask for a test-race. Nearly everybody said, "no, there will be no problem..... everthing easy, etc."

    4 Points out of my perspective:
    1. Last year, the first two races were also very bad, but than it gets better.
    2. I think, it should be mandatory for every driver, to test on a full practice server or race in a short test-race.
    3. We really should not race with 54 driver on a short circuit like this. To overtake 30 GTs in 5-6 laps is to much.
    4. PLS START TO USE FULL COURSE YELLOW!!!!!! There were serveral times, that the complete track was blocked or the pit-entry was blcoked. THERE MUST BE FULL COURSE YELLOW!

    But i think, that the race was not as bad, as i thought it would be. And the orga did a great job, as always. (But pls. put more attention to the garage^^)
    Rene von Dobschuetz likes this.
  10. Sebastian Pfeiffer

    Sebastian Pfeiffer Active Member

    One has to say, P1 organised test races on a voluntary basis 1 week before the race back in 2019, I believe. This was discontinued however due to low number of attendence. I also don't see them doing this again with manditory attendence. This probably would mean around 50% more effort required for the orga.

    Rennsimulanten.de is also doing races with similar combinations on Tuesdays before the P1LMS races as posted here: https://p1-gaming.de/index.php?threads/funevents-hosted-by-rennsimulanten-de.2165/page-2#post-15512
    There were 24 cars attending last Tuesday, so quite a few cars to practise traffic. But only a couple of drivers from Sifat Performance and SLRT used the oppurtunity.

    I actually really liked the track. Maybe it would have been better put a bit later on in the race calendar, because for sure it's more demanding in terms of traffic management compared to some other, longer tracks and in this way teams would have had time to learn the behaviour of other drivers and the new LMP1 class cars.

    I also had the feeling there were some situations where FCY would have been appropriate, but it's very hard for race control to spot these situations in time, especially while also looking at reported incidents. (I think we can agree, that live stewarding is not self-evident and a big plus here at P1 compared to a lot of other leagues). At least for tracks with high traffic density, I believe P1 just lacks in man power, which really shouldn't be blamed on them, because they already put in an absurd amount of time to make these races possible.
  11. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member

    Even if i did not have had much problems with traffic and no bad contacts, -if you Alex said, we just want to enjoy the racing on the saturday, there were not only the drivers with bad driving skill who disturb this, but also some drivers from the leading cars, who drove as the could win an world championchip. Not only the semi-talented drivers should reflect their doing, also some racers who think, speed gives the right for everything and any other has to give free the apex and step beside on the gravel.
    It was a really high-level-competing event, very small, very short, and as always on saison-beginning an full grid. It was expectable.

    But jeah, even as we almost were relatively early out of the race because of an lost tire, we enjoyed it till the end and has seen also an outstanding job von P1-Staff ;).
    Markus Broch likes this.
  12. Marco Saupe

    Marco Saupe Member

    I agree, that yesterday there were several drivers, especially but not exclusively, in the LMP1 ranks who obviously lacked the practice of coping with traffic. There the solution is obviously more practise and more races to get experience.

    However, these drivers were not the only problem: there were also several drivers in the LMP1 ranks, including leading cars, who did practice, and who do have the experience from other races, who caused dangerous situations or crashes, and those were caused by lack of respect for the other classes. I've seen (and felt) it during the week on the practise server, and again I've seen it countless times in the race. And it's not just about the big incidents, also the small taps on the rear, little nudging off the track...
    I can already hear the cries of the Top 5 LMP1 teams "but we are fighting for each tenth in the duel for the win or position, so we need to be aggressive"... well, guess what, the other classes are fighting for exactly the same, their fights are worth exactly the same as your fight, and if you nudge them off the track, the 20 second time to repair a bent steering or the 5 seconds lost in the grass can decide a position as well. And while the first group can learn, I'm not sure if the second group can.

    From what I have seen from the cockpit, in the stream, and in the traditional after-race-incident-stream ;) , I'd guess there are several drivers who should be parked for at least a race, or be put under probation.

    We were lucky in regards to the LMP1, our lap lost to damage and repair was from a fellow LMP2, but it simply can't be, that most of the positions in the slower classes are decided by who got hit least by a LMP1.

    PS: Regarding FCY: we don't have damaged barriers or cars and parts that need to be removed from the track by marshalls. Even if the stewards would see such a situation in a few seconds, until the FCY is called, probably at least 20 seconds have passed, and almost every incident would have been cleared by then - and for those few that would not, well... rF2 does show yellow flags and 20 seconds is usually enough time to lift the throttle...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  13. Alex Sturm

    Alex Sturm New Member

    Heres my take on our Race:

    From our Teams perspective it couldn't been worse than yesterday. Qualifying was pretty decent with P6 and pretty much our maximum.
    The start went also pretty well and we managed to gain 2-3 Spots after some differences inbetween our Opponents. 30mins into the Race we got collected in the big Accident in Sector 3 wich did cost us almost every chance of a Top 5 Result for this Race.
    After over 3 Minutes of Repair and being back by 5 Laps to the Leader we headed back into the Race and tried to achieve atleast a Top 10 Result wich we kind of did by Luck. Over the next few hours we were struggeling really with traffic, sometimes to aggressive by us and sometimes to cautios so we lost another couple of Laps overall here too. In the End we managed to get back into the Top 10 with 14 Laps down.
    Quiet frankly not the Result we wanted but still a lot of Experienced gained about the Car.

    About the Traffic situation:
    Personally I've experienced most of the time good Racing between the 3 Classes. Like I said above, sometimes too aggressive and sometimes too cautios from us.
    It seemed that the judgement by GTE's was to slow for the Speed differences between LMP1's and GTE's.
    Very often I witnessed a GTE switching their Line when already a LMP1 was set to make a Pass on that GTE.
    And also what I've witnessed a Lot was that GTE's didn't calculate for a lapping LMP1 under braking wich made them compromise their Turn-In into a Corner
    so they almost turned into us while we were alongside of them.

    The Final General take about yesterday:

    For the Future I wish that Racecontrol will make use of a FCY for bigger Events/Crashes in the Race and even maybe start to callout slow damaged Cars, dangerous Situations from bigger Accidents etc. via Teamspeak Whisper. I know that Racecontrol can be very busy at times but I think that this will help for Everybodys Race in the Future.
  14. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Discuss any race specific topics here (or open your own thread).
  15. Jan Kattau

    Jan Kattau Member

    In the end, it´s like always. LMP driver blame the GTE´s and GTE-driver blame the LMP driver.
    I think we all have to practice more in traffic, so we are able to understand the perspective of the other classes.
    Probably after the 3rd race everything will work fine, like last year.
    @Marco you are right, a LMP1 hit should not decide the GTE winner, but that also works in the other direction. There were serveral GTEs and LMP2, who did weird shit, and take out the faster cars.
    Everyone has to learn and respect the other classes.
  16. Jan Kattau

    Jan Kattau Member

    Do we get the Low Downforce Kit for this race?
  17. Ricardo Edelmann

    Ricardo Edelmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V. P1 Steward

    Admin Post
    @Jan Kattau @Alex Sturm @Alex Braeutigam @Rene von Dobschuetz @Marco Saupe and everyone else.

    First of all, thanks for your feedback.

    We in race control also had a tough day yesterday. You always have to expect "a bit more carnage" in the first race of the season with many new teams joining but yesterday was a hard day. I don't know if you got the notice but race control was not able to look up incidents all the time due to problems with the rfactor 2 replay system. We had major lags and postponed decisions because we were not able to decide clearly. A solution was then found with one steward being able to go into replay without lags which gave us at least a chance on working on incidents at all.

    We have seen a few incidents that were just plain stupid. Sorry for that expression but they just were stupid and the stewards and organization team will have a review of some incidents to get a clear picture of what happened and will take appropriate actions.

    Regarding FCY situations:
    It's really difficult in race control with 2-3 people to immediately spot slow cars or a blocked track. Especially if you are working on incidents at that time. Most of the time when you get a notice from a team and go looking for it, the track already cleared up again. In case of the "blockage" in the pitlane yesterday for example: We got a notice by a team, we started looking for that car but couldn't find it immediately since it was literally invisible for one of us at first. Once we identified the car, we were able to act and remove the car. By the time, we got the notice and were searching for the car, most of the harm was already done.
    If we spot a bigger crash that blocks the whole track or something else, race control will call that out but it's simply not always possible.

    We also can't just throw an FCY on demand by a team. I hope that you understand that but race control always has to verify the situation before acting. Otherwise there is the opportunity to get an advantage by calling something that wasn't really worthy of a FCY to get your stop in or something like that.

    Also, we spotted many cars not respecting yellow flags. We know this is something simracers generally don't do but it's kind of important for races like this. We also handed out warnings for not respecting yellow flags yesterday at one specific incident since all the carnage there could have been avoided if people would just have respected the yellow flags. As a reminder: Yellow flag means that there is danger on/besides the track and you should slow down and be ready to evade or come to a complete stop in front stopped cars or car parts. Also Overtaking is not allowed in that "sector". A yellow sector ends at the station the green flag is shown by the ingame stewards.

    Regarding traffic management:
    We have seen many incidents were there was no respect for the other cars, both by LMPs and GTEs. Sometimes even both at the same time. And i think that was the major point why we had so many incidents yesterday. That is something that everone has to learn. It's always a give and take.

    We encourage everyone to practice on our servers. Getting familiar with the track and the traffic. Check where GTEs are fast, check where the LMPs are slow. Work together. Maybe even take a GTE/LMP for a spin to see where those cars have their limits. Maybe there is a corner where you just simply can't send the GTE around the outside without him being forced of the track. Or for GTEs maybe there is a corner where you can let the LMP dive to the inside and take a line that gives you a good exit so you don't lose time. That are just some things that you might be able to see and that will help with traffic management. The rest ist up to the teams and drivers.
    We as organizers and race control can't do more than give you the opportunity to practice, hand out penalties in races or worst of all, suspend someone from racing. (Which is something we have done already but it's not a fun thing for us).

    So yeah, we're hoping for a better round 2 in regards of respect on track and of course from a technical standpoint.

  18. They told me no yesterday, so I guess not.
    Jan Kattau likes this.
  19. Marc Veit

    Marc Veit Active Member

    So the most parts are covered unless one

    Fix the pitlane

    I want to say from the start yes the car wasnt visible for the admins, it was just bad luck. But maybe this problem wouldnt even appear with the rule from yesterday or generally a different pitlane. I stopped counting how often people had problems because of stuff like this. It just sucks for people who are practicing for a podium finish or race win but get knocked out because of problems with the pitlane. It just sucks.

    Congratulations to the Podium, it was a tough race for everyone yesterday.
  20. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Provisional race results and server replay are added in the first post.

    Incident reports are open until the 4th of March at 6:00 UTC.
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