Discussion in 'Race Information' started by Markus Broch, Feb 8, 2022.

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  1. Check! Than I just revert to the 1126 build!
  2. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    You'll need it for Silverstone anyway ;)
    Mohammed El Gueriri likes this.
  3. True!!!! LOL!
    Gerhard Lindauer likes this.
  4. Hi, Once again i can't see myself as Team Manager for the #18 LMP3. I have to make crew adjustments on this car and so I can't because I'm not Team Manager on it anymore for some reason.

    One of our drivers on this car change hes name on your website, and I have to add a fourth one.
  5. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Entered you again as team manager. So you should be able to edit our car again.
  6. Ok thanks. Works fine now ;)
    Markus Broch likes this.
  7. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Updated the briefing
  8. David Tepper

    David Tepper Active Member

    will quali be one session for all claases?
  9. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
  10. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Today a little information for you, or how do I behave on a P1 train server. Gentlemen, what you do on your private servers, we do not care. But we do care about what's going on on our servers. I would like to remind you all that our servers are set up in preparation for a race. There you can test a lot. E.g. to find your line or the best points to get through the traffic. What you should not do are things like shortcutting to get higher in the list. What is also a no-go is to shortcut out of the pit lane to get onto the track quickly or to zigzag around. We expect you to behave accordingly on the servers. If you need help with this, feel free to contact me, then just watch the race. In this sense I wish you good luck and use today's time sensibly for training.
  11. Manuel Duerr

    Manuel Duerr Member

    One quick question, once entering the pits where do we have to drive until we move to our pitstall? Stick complete to the right? Or can we basically drive "everywhere" in the pits? Could not find any details regarding this. Many thanks in advance!
  12. Moriz Mehl

    Moriz Mehl Active Member

    the rules state the following:

    7.8.3 You have to stay in the fast lane of the pitlane until you reach your pit box
    7.8.4 You are not allowed to drive in the slow lane of the pit lane for an unnecessary long distance
  13. Sebastian Pfeiffer

    Sebastian Pfeiffer Active Member

    I think a clarification, whether the "middle part" of the pit lane is fast or slow lane, would be good. I am not quite sure where to drive aswell.

    Manuel Geusen and Nic da Silva like this.
  14. Nic da Silva

    Nic da Silva New Member

    Yeah I'd like to echo Sebs thoughts on this as well. If possible could we have a picture like the pit entry for the pit lane on where we are allowed to go and when. If we have to be all the way to the right the pitbox will be very hard to spot.
  15. Moriz Mehl

    Moriz Mehl Active Member

    I would also welcome being able to drive in the middle part (at least for the way TO the pitbox). I have in fact missed my pitbox once during night practice, and driving in the middle would make it much easier to see.
    Jan Kattau likes this.
  16. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Admin PostProvisional race results and server replay are added in the first post.

    Incident reports are open until the 7th of April at 6:00 UTC.
    Markus Broch likes this.
  17. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post

    23th July 2022
    Track: Le Mans - 24 Layout

    Briefing: 10:45 UTC - 15min
    Qualy: 11:00 UTC - 45min
    Warm-Up: 11:45 UTC - 15min
    Race Start: 12:00 UTC - 24h
    Race Finish: 12:00 UTC

    Time scale: 1x
    Real-time (ClimaCell)
    Cuts Allowed: 11

    Servername: P1 24h Eventserver
    Password: Ford

    Race1 Race2 Race3
    Results: Result

    • Don't press ESC or your race will be over. You can kill your game or force a disconnect by pulling out your network plug. Afterward, you can rejoin with a fresh car and still finish the race
    • For DPi and LMP2 don't dive-bomb the GTEs into the corners. In the end, both of you lose less time when you overtake them on the exists
    • Respect the other cars/class on track
    • At the pit exit stay right (driving direction) of the white (in the image marked red) line, cars need to leave enough space at the right when they see a car is leaving the pits
    • In the orange zones be careful with overtaking. More severe penalties will be applied here to the car at fault
    • When driving your line into the ford chicanes be aware when you go right into the pit entry to get a better line it may look for the car coming from behind like you want to enter the pit and not drive through the chicane.

    Orange Zones:


    In this orange zone, passing is allowed but with absolute care. Especially faster class cars lapping slower cars need to watch out and be extra careful.
    If there is an incident in the orange zone, the car at fault will be given a harsher penalty as on other parts on the track for the same infraction.
    Juergen Wellbrock likes this.
  18. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Discuss any race specific topics here (or open your own thread).
  19. Cedric Niehues

    Cedric Niehues New Member

    Ist noch platz in der GTE ? für ein Auto?
  20. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

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