Discussion in 'Race Information' started by Markus Broch, Jan 3, 2023.

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P1LMS 6h of Nürburgring
Posted By Markus Broch

Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 01:00 PM
(ends Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 07:00 PM)
Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

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  1. Oliver Guse

    Oliver Guse New Member

    Gran Tuccini Racing muss sich leider verletzungsbedingt vom Rennen abmelden.
  2. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member


    könnt Ihr mich bitte auf die #240 eintragen? Elias ist im Urlaub und kann die Einschreibung nicht ändern.

    Dankeschön ✌
    Markus Broch likes this.
  3. Guido Wille

    Guido Wille Member

    #134 wont be able to participate unfortunately.
  4. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    #74 won't be able to participate
  5. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Briefing information:
    • Don't press ESC or your race will be over. You can kill your game or force a disconnect by pulling out your network plug. Afterward, you can rejoin with a fresh car and still finish the race
    • For LMP2 don't dive bomb the GTEs into the corners. In the end, both of you lose less time when you overtake them on the exits
    • Respect the other cars/class on track
    • At the pit exit stay right (driving direction) of the white (in the image marked red) line
    • In the yellow zones be careful with overtaking. More severe penalties will be applied here to the car at fault
    • Cars in pitlanes are collidable and no ghost cars. So be careful in the pitlane!
  6. Adrian Blasco

    Adrian Blasco Active Member

    Hello, this race has been very nice and fun with the weather change during the 8 hours, but I am very disappointed with the behavior of the LMP1, it makes me rethink whether to continue putting 3 cars in this competition unless measures are taken, we are tired of always having our races ruined.

    Here I leave a small video of one of the accidents that practically sent us home, there is more of the other cars, but this one undoubtedly drove me crazy to see how shameful the behavior of people with an lmp1 is.

  7. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

  8. Guillem Rego

    Guillem Rego New Member

    You shouldn't blame anyone
  9. Jan Kattau

    Jan Kattau Member

    I was behind you the complete straight and give you flashes, that i will overtake you on the inside (the side with the curb). There was enough space and when i was a long side, you came over and there was the contact. That was 100% the GTEs-fault, Btw. i was on the inside, because of the LMP2 i overtake before.
    i love it, don´t look into the mirors and give the fault to the evil LMP1. Jesus........

    Edit: Yes, the normal line would be on the right side with the wall, but with the overtake of the LMP2 before and the wet spots, i don´t wanted to cross the sides and you leave enough space on the curb-side. Just to close the gap, when i was beside you.. If you use your mirrors, there would be no problem at all.

    Edit 2: In the end, we have two persons with two opinions to the crash. If you want, that the stewards have a look, then give that to the stewards. It´s always the wrong way to post a 20 sec video from a angle you see nothing and put the finger on someone. Thats not the way to do it. I was also mad, because iam sure, that the GTE was on fault and see you any video from me? (and deleted the first sentence)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2023
    Sebastian Wunsch likes this.
  10. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

    That you blame the GT for this seems to me...incredible, while you can pass perfectly on the inside, the GT has to follow the natural line of the line and you get out of it.
  11. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Provisional race results and replay are added in the first post.

    Incident reports are open until the 29th of July at 12:00 UTC.
  12. JMCardenas

    JMCardenas New Member

    First I want to clarify one thing, the one who was driving that GTE from the accident in that video was me.

    I saw the lights and how two LMPs were coming, and that each one was going to pass by one side. What should a GTE do in these circumstances? You need to do clear predictive driving and stay on the steady course. And that is what I did. I didn't hit anyone. And I think you could have followed the line you chose on the outside until you completed the overtaking.

    I am a regular endurance driver, normally DPI, LMH or P1, and what I expect from a GT is that it doesn't move from its line when I'm going to catch up with it. From there it is my responsibility to decide how to overtake in the most appropriate way. It is one of the few occasions in which I run resistance with a GT, and I do it to better understand what a driver in this category suffers when he is hit by an LMP. That helps to make the most appropriate decision when I am the one who drives a faster vehicle.

    I want to take advantage of the fact that I am writing for the first time in the P1 forum to congratulate Philip Bachmann (#115 RevolutionSimRacing) who I had behind me for more than an hour until the accident. Great control of the situation, and a very similar rhythm, it was a pleasure to race with you. And a note, you never made the threat of trying to overtake, but if you had, your team notified by TS, or you had simply given me the lights, I would have let you overtake.

    And in general, a great race in very changing track situations that made us suffer, but this made us enjoy it more.

    It is possible that we will coincide in more resistance races.
    Philip Bachmann likes this.
  13. Honestly, I don't think this is the right place to come to post a video. If you have any claim, do it where it should be done.

    On the other hand, in an 8 hour race a lot can happen, including human error. If this also happens in reality, it is logical that it happens here.

    I was wearing a GTE that was bounced in another touch with another GTE. It was repaired for more than a minute, but these are things that happen and I don't come here to tell about my life.

    That said, I have been finding exemplary behavior throughout the championship, just as I have found horrible maneuvers from the GTE, but this is part of the races. And if I have a problem, I put a claim where it belongs, not here.

    See you next time.
  14. Bert Knops

    Bert Knops Member

    My 2 cents, as an experienced GT driver who has nothing to do with this:

    No way you couldn't already see these cars in your mirror exiting Luffield, so from your side there were 2 options:
    1) Already move the car clearly to the left while you were still in that corner, so it would be clear to both prototypes to pass on the right.
    2) If it was too late for that, leave 1,5 car widths on the left so there would be room on either side to pass.

    From the LMP1's side it could have been prevented if the driver recognised you were running the car wide, but that would have required him going off the track, which is unreasonable to ask IMO. If there's anyone who should complain in this case, it's the LMP2, as he did absolutely nothing wrong and got caught up in this.

    Yes, generally GT's should hold their line, but there are situations when classed need to work together. This was one of those situations.
    Daniel Schmitt and JMCardenas like this.
  15. I sincerely feel sorry everyone involved, if I imagine myself being one of the 3.
    Try to keep it "fun" without blaming each other. In these situations a little wrong steering input or even some indecision can lead to this, even without doing anything crazy..
    I drove lots of races both as GT and LMP driver so I totally agree with Bert, in some cases you gotta cooperate some way..
    Markus Broch and JMCardenas like this.
  16. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Discuss any race-specific topics here (or open your own thread).
  17. Good morning. When will the rankings be updated?
  18. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Simon and I are a bit in holyday mode right now and our homepage had a move. We still have to adjust our tool and then everything goes back to its regular ways.
  19. Not problem Markus, I was just curious. Enjoy the holidays.
  20. Peter Grau

    Peter Grau Member P1 gaming e.V.

    So guys,

    we are out of the rest of the series,,,, after the latest BOP, the BMW M8 is not driveble.... Shit happens, but we are out of the grid for the rest of the season. THX to Studio 397 and motorsport games (whats the hell) for killing our car completly! During the last years we have to acept all these things. But after the last BOP we are dead at all.

    Guys, we wish you all the best for the rest of the season... have fun and enjoy, but with out us... have fun...
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