P1LMS 2024 6h of Indianapolis Race thread

Discussion in 'Race Information' started by Markus Broch, Feb 11, 2024.

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  1. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Discuss any race-specific topics here (or open your own thread).
  2. Is it possible to have calculated Track temps instead of fixed to 43°? Because I don´t think it will have 20° air temp on raceday.
    Juan Cofino likes this.
  3. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    There will be an update on the server on Wednesday/Thursday with new mod (Liveries) and adjusted date for the track.
  4. Frans-Jan Romme

    Frans-Jan Romme New Member

    How late are the starts of the races and qualy in P1
  5. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

  6. Andrej Warkentin

    Andrej Warkentin New Member

    Hi there,

    just wanted to test the update and look for the beautifull Liveries... then i started a lap and there is a intresting Update on the Track, too... look here:
    I don´t think it should be there... you can drive through it...but its very confusing..
    It´s in turn 8 (after Backstaight)
    Think you should have a look...

    cu on Track
    Adrian Blasco and Juan Cofino like this.
  7. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

    It is the bank of lamentations
    Andrej Warkentin likes this.
  8. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    the bench is for me so that I can sit closer
  9. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    I will take a look on it on the weekend.
    Andrej Warkentin and Juan Cofino like this.
  10. Could we do something about this 30° Track temps? I mean it is better than 43° but still pretty high compared to the 0° air temp? maybe going back to generated?
  11. Marlon Mueller

    Marlon Mueller New Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Unfortunately, our team (car #420) has to skip the first race. Good luck to everyone, have a fair race and see you next time.
    Markus Broch likes this.
  12. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

    clima real y nada mas, recuerdo que en el nurb de 24h los bmw se quejaban de las bajas temperaturas "logicamente" los neumaticos del m4 no se calentaban, por favor adaptarnos al coche que cada uno escogiera
  13. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

    real climate and nothing more, I remember that in the 24h nurb the BMWs complained about the low temperatures "logically" the tires of the m4 did not heat up, please adapt to the car that each one chose
  14. I do not understand your point? Do you think that 30° is a realistic value for track temp when there is 0° cold weather outside? Or did I not understand your comment?
  15. Loic Meunier

    Loic Meunier Member

    Hi, can we not allow Bence Horvath to join the server or DQ him ?

    I have no contact to him and he's using my car cruising around...
  16. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    They won't be racing if they don't send in a livery within the next 2 hours...
  17. Loic Meunier

    Loic Meunier Member

  18. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Your car is fine for the race, their car isn't. He is registered for the VRS Team, but they haven't sent a skin in.
    Loic Meunier likes this.
  19. Jean-Paul van Aerle

    Jean-Paul van Aerle New Member

    Unfortunately Level One will/can not participate in this race
  20. Jérémy Flahaut

    Jérémy Flahaut New Member

    Hello, we have a problem with a person "DoctorFrost" who comes screaming on the Teamspeak channels
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