Discussion in 'Special Events' started by Markus Broch, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. Thomas Rosendahl

    Thomas Rosendahl New Member

    Sind beim 24h Rennen 4 oder 5 Fahrer erlaubt?
    Wo kann ich die Fahrer eintragen?
  2. Marc Veit

    Marc Veit Active Member

    MiHoYo Racing Team
    Marc Veit
    Nick newcombe
    Paul Holt
  3. Hannes Hiller

    Hannes Hiller Member

    Is there any information regarding the Aero Packages of the cars that can be used?
    Can the Teams choose or will the Le Mans Aero Package be enforced for all cars?
  4. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Hannes, da wir Le Mans fahren gibt es das Le Mans Aero Packages.
  5. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    I think it should be obvious which aero package will be used. o_O
    And yes it will be enforced.
    David OReilly likes this.
  6. Hannes Hiller

    Hannes Hiller Member

    Ok. Danke für die Info.
    Will nur verhindern mit dem Setup erst mal in die völlig flasche Richtung zu rennen. Auf dem Trainingserver kann man halt noch auswählen. Daher die Frage.
    Markus Broch likes this.
  7. Georgi Nedev

    Georgi Nedev Member

    Could car choice be changed for GTE? And when is the deadline to lock the car?
  8. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Yes, it can be changed until the skin deadline. Then we start preparing the mod.
    Georgi Nedev and Markus Broch like this.
  9. Tobi Elwig

    Tobi Elwig New Member

    Hey Simon, hey Markus.
    We´ve just uploaded a new, updated Skin for Car #82 RS Schnitzelland. Helge Förstner joined our Team ;-)
    Thanks a lot for your Business

    Greetings Tobi
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  10. Jannik Maleika

    Jannik Maleika New Member

    Fahren die LMP und GTE in der Quali gleichzeitig oder getrennt voneinander auf der Strecke?
  11. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Wir wollen so wie im realen, beide gleichzeitig fahren lassen.
  12. David Serra

    David Serra New Member

    Question; If I qualify on Sunday, is it mandatory to I have to start?
  13. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Rule 7.7.1 ;)
    David Serra likes this.
  14. Georgi Nedev

    Georgi Nedev Member

    Will there be a P1 bop to change pit times? Atm the tyre and fuel in GTE are done at the same time. I guess that will be changed?
  15. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    This are the pit stop times we will use for this event (same as in P1LMS)

    fuel fill rate (L/s), random delay, nozzle insertion time, nozzle removal time, concurrent fuel filling (0.0=separate, 1.0=concurrent)
    TireTime: time to change two tires, time to change four tires, random delay on any tire, concurrent tire changes (0.0=separate, 1.0=concurrent)
    DriverTime: time to change driver, random delay, extra delay if vehicle is damaged, concurrent driver changes (0.0=separate, 1.0=concurrent)
    • LMP2
      • FuelTime=(2.5,3,1.5,0.9,1.0)
      • TireTime=(17,37,2,0)
      • DriverTime=(20,1.5,2.5,1.0)
    • GTE
      • FuelTime=(4,0,1,0.5,1.0)
      • TireTime=(17,37,2,0)
      • DriverTime=(20,1.5,2.5,1.0)
  16. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Add the information in the general information. We will use the same pit stop times as in P1LMS.
    Georgi Nedev likes this.
  17. Servus nur mal eine Frage. Hat man irgendwo ein Livetiming bereits für die Trainingsserver von diesem Event. Oder kommt dieses Livetiming erst mit den fertigen offiziellen Trainingsservern?
  18. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Livetiming muß noch eingerichtet werden.
  19. Georgi Nedev

    Georgi Nedev Member

    any ETA when the skin package will be implemented? Ofc latest is before the Qualifying but would be great to have them implemented soon for some photoshoots :)
  20. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    We started yesterday building the scripts and veh files. Now the time-consuming skin checking needs to be finished. Our plan would be to be done the start of the next week but I can't promise an exact date or time.
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