Discussion in 'Special Events' started by Markus Broch, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. On addition: Everybody can get a P1-Gaming Membership to support P1-Gaming and the event and get thier entry before the !!! FREE-Entry !!! opens. P1-Gaming is doing an awesome job with these series. So this way you are safe to have your car in. But when you want to get everything for free, you have to gamble whether you get your car to the grid, or not.
  2. Ian Loncar

    Ian Loncar New Member

    AC Motorsport
    Team Manager:
    Ian Lončar
  3. Ash Bishop

    Ash Bishop New Member

    Can someone explain why my initial GT3 entry was deleted? It's not like I signed up without real drivers.
  4. David Tepper

    David Tepper Active Member

    Thanks for the Support to Rennsimulanten. We will think about this Strange sign Up and maybe after discuss you will have the Chance for another two GT3 and one Cup entry. And Nobody have to annoy about vMADS.
  5. Jean Mushin

    Jean Mushin New Member

    I've been registered second position on reserve list and now i see guys who was behind us in the entry list.
    Which is the order of selection in that list please ?? Thank you
  6. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    It is of no use to anyone to discuss the vmads. In theory they didn't do anything wrong beforehand. We saw the gap in the system and are revising all series and events for the future so that something like this can no longer happen.
  7. Thomas Batzke

    Thomas Batzke Member

    VorteX Motorsports
    Team Manager:
    Thomas Batzke
  8. Rene von Dobschuetz

    Rene von Dobschuetz Well-Known Member

    I hope that Studio will solfes this problem by expand grid to 1xx cars without burdening clients...! Otherwise maybe we will see the same problem in future, if everyone will have an membership (good for P1 ;) ) and singup is an gamble again... :rolleyes:
  9. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    min 4-6 men who conscientiously take care of Div 2 and act in the interests of P1 ...:D
    Alex Woitala likes this.
  10. Juan Cofino

    Juan Cofino Member

    Please can my nick "Il_Kayser" ---> my name real is Juan Cofiño

  11. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
  12. Claudio Souza

    Claudio Souza New Member

    Team Manager:
    Claudio Souza
  13. Vitor Joineau

    Vitor Joineau New Member

    BRT - Brasil Race Team
    Team Manager:
    Vitor Joineau
  14. Mario Tump

    Mario Tump Member


    i know it's a little bit early to ask and might change on your own but i have a question regarding the NOS24 Rules.

    3 General rules
    3.7 Each driver participating in a race needs to drive a minimum of 15% of the race distance.

    In the P1LMS category
    3 General rules
    3.7 it is not allowed for a driver to drive more than 75% of the race distance.

    Are you going to change it to the P1LMS Rules or stick to the old Rules from 2019?

    Cheers Mario
  15. Alex Meiser

    Alex Meiser Member

    I think maybe it would be the best to combine this two rules?

    Other question, will there be a Skintemplate for the Ferrari soon, or should we take the numberplates from an other GT3 Skin like the 720s or the Audi and put the plates in a similar place on the Ferrari?
  16. Rolf Hvarregaard

    Rolf Hvarregaard New Member

    I am currently working on our skin, but the numberplates in the templates are fixed with no option to input the correct number. In the skin information it tells me to input the correct number with the correct font - should I just leave the 000 for now and let you add the number, or which font should I use?
  17. Tonnie Jansen

    Tonnie Jansen Member

    How big is the change to drive, if you are 10 on the reservelist, because you have to practice a lot, but if the change is very small!!
  18. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    today or tomorrow comes the ferrari template
  19. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    A font file is included with the templates, this must be installed.
  20. Rolf Hvarregaard

    Rolf Hvarregaard New Member

    It is not for the Porsche Cup. Only file in the P1PPC.zip-file is the template itself. The numberplates are also just images and not layered, selectable number or a text layer.

    EDIT: I downloaded the fonts via the GT3 pack now and reloading the template made Photoshop load the numberplate as a smart object. I suggest you add the font pack to the Cup zip-file though
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